Uniglide treats metal, not oil

Uniglide and the engine oil

Uniglide FRC reduces friction, wear and drag, oil and engine operating temperatures.

Viscosity is a critical property of engine oil and for this reason manufacturers have very intimate knowledge with the physical properties of their lubricants. A multitude of factors cause degradation of a host oil’s viscosity, in particular, when operating under extreme pressure and temperature. The popular solution to keeping the viscosity of the host oil stable is by mixing “oil additives” with the host oil.

Uniglide FRC, however, is not an oil additive and neither is it designed to alter the properties of the host oil in vehicles, equipment or mechanical systems. Uniglide FRC is designed as a lubricant-enhancing metal treatment oil concentrate to reduce the coefficient of friction between interfaces in relative motion – i.e. the sliding and rolling movement between friction partners.

In addition to protecting and extending equipment useful life, Uniglide FRC brings about a myriad of benefits that potentially enhances the performance capabilities and reliability of the equipment while preserving the properties of the host oil

Uniglide FRC is compatible with mineral, semi-synthetic and fully-synthetic host oils.

Uniglide FRC has the capability to enhance the effectiveness of the host oil as a lubricant through an indirect and non-invasive application approach. This is precisely why Uniglide FRC is compatible with mineral, semi-synthetic and fully-synthetic host oils, a most vital property as discerning consumers the world over have varied preferences for a host oil for their vehicles, equipment or machines

Because Uniglide is a concentrate, it offers a very economical and therefore affordable application when treating and protecting metal parts and components. It is developed specifically to form a resilient coat over the metal surface through a process known as “Adsorption”, a coat so strong that it can only be removed by machine grinding action. Developed with advanced cutting-edge technology, Uniglide FRC activates at temperatures in excess of 600C.

This ensures the prevention of unintended coating of metal surfaces due to accidental spillage at room temperatures. In addition to metal treatment, Uniglide FRC is also designed to offer complementary benefits with a myriad of built-in features such as anti-foaming, anti- oxidation, corrosion inhibitors and detergents (dispersant/flushing) agents.

As briefly mentioned above, rather than a direct “oil additive” approach to enhancing the host oil’s properties, Uniglide FRC’s approach is to improve the environment and conditions within which the host oil operates. Once administered into the vehicle, equipment, or mechanical system, Uniglide FRC uses the host oil as a medium to transport itself to all areas inside the system and go to work. On the first treatment, it is recommended that an amount equivalent to 10 %[1] of the sump capacity is administered. For a previously untreated mechanical system, this amount is required for the following two main reasons:

  1. Protection – at temperatures in excess of 600C, Uniglide FRC will form a resilient coat over the surface of all metal parts and components within the mechanical system, thus offering formidable protection against the main causes of wear – friction! To enhance this protection capability, Uniglide FRC also contains anti-foaming and anti-corrosion properties that inhibit the harmful process of corrosion.
  1. Cleaning – a previously untreated mechanical system will have quantities of deposits settled in it. In a mechanical system, these deposits are typically metals like aluminium, zinc, iron, copper that have been worn off/shaven off due to the sliding and rolling movement between friction partners.

There are also organic deposits within the mechnical system which typically include carbon, soot (commonly in diesel engines), sludge and ash. All of these deposits are the result of high intensity combustion, similar to what can be found in household chimneys.

The treatment action of Uniglide FRC on any mechanical system will leave metal parts and components perpetually protected, clean of undesirable deposits with enhanced lubrication between interfaces in relative motion, thus reducing the coefficient of friction between friction partners within the mechanical system.

During the next scheduled oil change all of these deposits will be expelled, leaving the system clean. Therefore, on the 2nd and subsequent treatment of Uniglide FRC, only 5%(1) of the sump capacity is required. This is done primarily to re-coat the metal surfaces where Uniglide FRC may have been machined off from the sliding and rolling action of friction partners, while excess Uniglide FRC continues with the cleaning/ flushing action of the system.

The bottle label contains the application instructions of Uniglide FRC depending on the type of mechanical system in use.

The following are some of the benefits that can be derived from the Uniglide FRC treatment:



  1. Protects metal surfaces of parts and components in mechanical systems;
  2. Increases the performance and efficiency of the mechanical systems operating capability and greatly improves reliability;
  3. Very affordable and economical preventative solution, resulting in costs savings from parts replacement, equipment breakdowns, production downtime costs and extending the CAPEX intervals of equipment replacement.



  1. Reduces friction, wear and drag, oil and engine operating temperatures:
  2. Reduces base oil consumption & degradation, oxidation and corrosion. Improves fuel economy and better mileage gains, lowered exhaust emissions;
  3. Reduces systems noise and vibration;
  4. Provides for maximum engine compression, power and smoother, enhanced performance;
  5. Provides start-up lubrication and cold-start protection;
  6. Does not build up on metal surfaces, thus original systems engineering design tolerances are maintained;
  7. Extends mechanical systems useful life

Visit www.uniglidemalaysia.com for more information on Uniglide FRC, the suite of products and how to apply Uniglide in engines, machines and equipment across various industries.


1 – The bottle label contains the application instructions of Uniglide FRC depending on the type of mechanical system in use.


© Performance Power Lubricants Malaysia Sdn Bhd is the official Distributor and Bottler of Uniglide in Malaysia
 Suite 8, Lot UC -3A, Level UC, Avenue K Shopping Mall,
156 Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

[email protected]

WhatsApp: +6011 2771 1882

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