What is Uniglide?
Uniglide is a friction-reducing concentrate formulated for enhanced protection and optimum performance in engines, machines & equipment. It treats metal, not oil, and is designed for multi-application use across all industries – Automotive, Manufacturing, Civil & Construction, Agriculture, Oil & Gas, Marine and others.

Uniglide’s friction-reducing technology is developed specifically to protect, maintain and extend the useful life of treated equipment.

The ultimate in lubrication technology, Uniglide reduces friction even at extreme pressures and temperatures. By reducing friction, the resulting effect is reduced heat generation, reduced wear, leading to extended engine and equipment life (akin to an anti-ageing treatment for your engines / treated equipment).

Uniglide range of products meets and surpass the performance capabilities of the majority of currently available products on the market.

Note: Although Uniglide is added to the carrier oil, it is not an “oil additive.”

Uniglide FRC:
The Uniglide journey began with its base product, Uniglide Friction Reducing Concentrate, or in short, Uniglide FRC. This is a key ingredient in every Uniglide range of products. It was developed in South Africa to protect mining and construction equipment against the harsh, hot and dusty environment.

Key benefits of using Uniglide:
In addition to reducing friction, Uniglide also has anti-oxidation and anti-corrosion, anti-foaming, dirt-ingestion and “flushing” properties. These all assist in increasing the operational efficiency of the treated equipment and deliver optimum performance.

Key Benefits, amongst all others, include:

  • Reduces friction, wear, drag, operating temperatures
  • Reduces oil consumption, oxidation, corrosion and exhaust emissions
  • Provide for maximum power and compression
  • Does not “build-up” on metal surfaces
  • Reduces cold start wear
  • Reduces noise, vibration and fuel consumption

How does Uniglide work?

Uniglide FRC helps prevent metal-to-metal contact by forming a boundary lubrication coat on metal surfaces, thus significantly reducing friction, heat generation and wear. This significantly increases, improves, and extends the operating capabilities of mechanical systems. This resilient boundary lubrication coat remains in place even after all the host oil has drained into the sump when shut down, ensuring continued protection against cold start wear.

Where is Uniglide used?
As its name suggests, Uniglide truly is universal that can be used across all industries and virtually in every mechanical application requiring lubrication. It was developed in South Africa to protect mining and construction equipment against the harsh, hot and dusty environment.

Uniglide is now used throughout the world beyond mining and construction. This includes domestic and high-performance cars, marine, agriculture, manufacturing, military and everything in between, Uniglide continues to excel and exceed expectations.

What part of the mechanical systems/engines/equipment is Uniglide used for?
Uniglide has been used to address numerous issues and symptoms faced by users in their engines (including transmissions and gearboxes), differentials, outboard motors, recreation vehicles, generators and hydraulic systems.

Uniglide FRC and the environment:
At its core, Uniglide FRC is a Friction Reducing Concentrate that makes your engine, equipment and mechanical systems work more efficiently. A more efficient engine and transmissions leads to enhanced power delivery which, in turn, can enhance fuel economy which could reduce exhaust emissions. Potentially, this leads to less carbon exhaust emissions, reducing carbon footprint.

With the increased awareness of the environmental impact on air quality, fleet operators have the potential to lower emissions with this very cost-effective solution.


How does Uniglide FRC compare to other products in the market?
Uniglide technology has been constantly tested and proven to exceed ASTM standards in independent internationally accredited laboratories.

Tests have been conducted at a number of accredited laboratories including Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Lubetech Wearcheck and Intertek Automotive Laboratories in the USA, and all corroborate the superior wear reduction claims made about Uniglide FRC.

These tests were conducted along the lines of ASTM D4172 protocol. However, the temperature was set at 150°C, well above the normal test protocol temperatures of 75°C, which isn’t at all representative of automotive engine operating temperature. Uniglide FRC still reduced wear by an average of 10%! We are able to demonstrate when conventional engine oils have failed, Uniglide FRC will deliver protection well beyond catastrophic failure temperatures.


How soon after Uniglide is administered can the result be seen?
For most vehicles, equipment, tools and machinery, we have received feedback from customers that their assets exhibited reduced noise levels and vibration almost immediately after using Uniglide.

Other benefits such as the increase in power, smoother performance, more stable idling, etc. were noted within hours after application.

Based on customer feedback, further improvements have been noted consistently upon the second application of Uniglide. This positive result is due to the superior technology of Uniglide FRC that incorporates a mild flushing action.

To get the best results from the Uniglide FRC treatment, re-treat your equipment as per the instructions on the packaging, ie. 10% by volume for the first engine treatment, reducing to 5% for subsequent treatments.

Does applying Uniglide help reduce the level of noise discharge in treated equipment?
A great many of our customers have reported a considerable reduction in noise levels observed upon administering Uniglide FRC in their equipment. Many are appreciative of this remarkable improvement.


What enhanced performance can be expected after using Uniglide?
From the numerous testimonials and endorsements given voluntarily by our extremely satisfied customers, friction reduction in engines and transmissions increased the kilometre per litre or mileage performance of their vehicles, with some cases, quite considerably.

Adding to this, the resulting extension of engine and equipment operating lifespan translates to extended CAPEX intervals for replacement, i.e. considerable financial savings to owners.

How does Uniglide FRC affect fuel economy and exhaust emissions?
The short answer is “positively”.

The heat that is primarily caused by friction among the metal components inhibits the performance of the mechanical system. As the name states, Uniglide FRC is a friction-reducing concentrate that treats metal surfaces, and its primary function is to reduce the coefficient of friction, thereby resulting in reduced heat generation, reduced wear & tear and extends the effective lifespan of the treated equipment.

Uniglide, therefore, enhances the performance of engines, machines and equipment as the reduction in friction results in less heat generation. Your engine now runs cooler and more efficiently and this leads to efficient fuel combustion resulting in lower carbon exhaust emissions from your engine. As an added bonus, Uniglide helps lower carbon footprint.


When can Uniglide FRC be applied and can it be applied to brand new vehicles, equipment and machines?
Generally, you can start using Uniglide as soon as you have a bottle in hand.

However, for new or re-built motors/equipment, we recommend allowing sufficient run-in time of at least 5,000km for vehicles (including Rotary Engines) or 250hrs for all equipment, tools and machinery as some components need time to set, e.g. piston rings require time to bed, valves require time to seat, etc.

Is it possible to add Uniglide FRC to fuel as an added treatment?
Yes. Adding Uniglide FRC to your fuel at a ratio of 10ml per 10 litres of fuel in the first treatment can potentially enhance upper cylinder lubrication and assist in reducing harmful emissions.

For subsequent treatments, it is recommended to add 5ml per 10 litres of fuel at 1,000-mile intervals.

The presence of Uniglide FRC in the equipment fuel system offers a durable protective coat over the fuel tanks and lines, pumps, filters, injectors or carburettors. This benefit to the fuel system extends to the exhaust system as well by smoothening the internal surfaces thereby aiding exhaust gases to dissipate quicker, which is especially crucial in achieving performance or high-performance in racing.

How is Uniglide FRC administered in manual transmission systems?
On the first application, we recommend administering Uniglide FRC at a volume of 10% of the gearbox oil capacity to allow it to adequately form the protective coat over the gear box’s parts and components, while at the same time flush the gearbox off contaminants and deposits.

From the 2nd application onwards, apply Uniglide FRC at a volume of just 5% of the gearbox oil capacity.

How is Uniglide FRC administered in automatic transmission systems?
For all automatic gearbox transmissions (manufactured before or after 1970), Uniglide FRC can be applied consistently from the very first application at a volume of 5% of the transmission oil capacity.

This recommended application generally works out to 50ml based on a 1-litre transmission oil capacity and is made easy for users to avoid accidental excess and misapplication. This recommended application volume has been tested across most vehicles to ensure no slippage of the gear due to excessive lubrication oil present in the gearbox. For this very reason, we have bottled Uniglide FRC at 50ml specifically for the ease of application in motorcycles.

Can Uniglide lower the temperature in hydraulic systems?
We recommend applying Uniglide Hydraulic System Protector (HSP) at a volume of 3-5% of the Hydraulic oil capacity. Some of our customers have applied Uniglide HSP directly to the working parts of the hydraulic system for quicker effect, bypassing the hydraulic oil tank altogether. However, this method should be performed by a qualified person. Generally, simply add Uniglide HSP into the hydraulic oil tank.

Like Uniglide FRC, Uniglide HSP is also a non-particulate oil concentrate, it does not contain any solids and is, therefore, an ideal solution for hydraulic systems to reduce friction and running temperature, improving efficiency and extending equipment life.

How much Uniglide FRC do 2 Stroke engines require?
We recommend a volume of 5% of the engine oil capacity including outboard (marine based) 2 stroke engines.

Can Uniglide be used to treat bicycle and motorbike chains? What about power tools, heavy-duty equipment and industrial conveyor systems?
Yes. Uniglide consists of a family suite of products that have been developed and engineered to offer targeted solutions to a myriad of mechanical systems across all industries.

Uniglide Chain Lube was developed for use to lubricate equipment chains in bicycles, motorbikes, trikes, quads, “side by side’s” etc. It also ensures the chain system is kept clean from dirt and deposits affording smooth movement of the mechanisms.

For more heavy-duty applications, Uniglide Chain Lube HD does the job well. Because Uniglide is a concentrate, the Chain Lube solutions can be applied sparingly, thus a very economical preventative measure for all your chain treatment needs.

Can Uniglide Chain Lube be used to treat rusty chains, sprockets, derailleurs etc.?
Yes, of course. Uniglide Chain Lube, like all Uniglide products, is a concentrate and is designed for targeted application, giving users an economical preventative solution that won’t bust the bank. Uniglide Chain Lube loosens rusted parts and components, freeing “rust seized” systems.

In addition, it also maintains clean, all chains, sprockets, derailleurs etc. while keeping the parts in good shape and reducing drag as they now move more smoothly. In particular, we have received feedback from cycling enthusiasts that it significantly reduced chain rigidity and stretch tension.

How is Uniglide FRC used in commercial air conditioners?
High rise buildings, hospitals, learning institutions, airports, shopping malls and a host of other buildings use heavy duty air conditioning that are worked long hours continuously and are most always located in the outdoors. These machines are subject to gruellingly harsh operating routines.

As with the heater system, Uniglide FRC can be applied to the air conditioner system’s compressor unit at 50ml for effective protection, improved performance, reliability (reduced downtime), extended CAPEX replacement intervals and overall maintenance costs savings.

How is Uniglide FRC used in central heating systems?
The application of FRC is Universal. It can be used virtually anywhere including in the central heating systems pump. The amount required to be administered depends on the method of the application. Adding Uniglide FRC through the heater tank and circulated in the system requires approximately 50ml of FRC.

On the other hand, if a foreman is in charge of maintaining the heater system, FRC can be administered directly into the heater pump which then would only require 20ml of FRC.

What is the benefit of applying Uniglide FRC on synchromesh systems? 
FRC can effectively protect and improve the performance of the gearbox system as discussed earlier. A Synchromesh on the other hand is a system of gear changing, especially in motor vehicles, in which the driving and driven gearwheels are made to revolve at the same speed during engagement by means of a set of friction clutches, thereby easing the change.

FRC has been used by thousands of customers in the gearbox and transmission with a huge number of applications performed on the racing circuit in performance race engines.

All customer feedback that we have received who use FRC on their vehicle synchromesh have been positive and these customers have expressed their decision to continue using FRC as it truly goes beyond adequate when protecting and improving the gear and synchromesh systems.

Can Uniglide FRC be applied to wet clutch systems?
Short answer….Yes!! As described previously, FRC is a metal treatment oil concentrate and therefore does not and will not affect the composite fibre of clutch plates.

Can Uniglide FRC be used for power steering systems and how much?
Short answer…Yes!! Simply apply 100 – 200ml of Uniglide Power Steering Conditioner in the power steering fluid reservoir, which will flow into the power steering pump and be delivered to all the power steering systems to protect and improve performance with smoother movement of the wheel.

Can an engine flush expel Uniglide FRC?
FRC forms a durable coat over the surface of metal parts and components and parts in vehicles, tools, equipment and machinery. This coat is so strong, it sticks via the physical process called “Adsorption” and the only way to remove it is by machine grinding it off. A routine engine flush will not have any impact the presence of FRC in the system.

Can remote-controlled toys and models benefit from using Uniglide FRC?
For all remote controlled cars, miniature models and intricate parts, we recommend the use of Uniglide’s Multispray and ChainLube. It provides long term protection of the metal, reduces drag and improves the performance of these miniature marvels with added protection from dirt and dust from off-road track conditions.

Unlike other products, Uniglide Multispray and Uniglide ChainLube do not require a preheating of the oil before application. Its use is targeted and direct and it can be easily administered, which is most helpful when requiring a top-up spray between races throughout race day.

Any caution when using Uniglide?
Few and remote as follows:

  1. Uniglide cannot repair damaged or worn metals surfaces, parts and components.  Uniglide protects from further wear and damage.
  2. Uniglide is not suitable for Continuous Variable Transmissions (CVTs) and “clutch-type” LSD. However, it is suitable for Viscous Limited Slip Differentials and Detroit Lockers.

Will using Uniglide affect the product/manufacturer’s warranty in any way?
Manufacturers’ warranty covers material and labour used in equipment guarantee and is not negated by using a more efficient lubrication solution. Moreover, manufacturers generally advise against using “oil additives” because they change the characteristics of the base oil that is recommended by them for that particular engine, equipment or machine.

However, Uniglide FRC is not an “oil additive”, therefore it does not change the characteristics of the base oil. It only uses it as a carrier to get to the wearing surfaces.

We see no plausible reason why the product or manufacturers’ warranty should be affected.

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